Design Your Own Swimming Pool Border

Need to give your tired and sad swimming pool a facelift?

Want a totally unique and personalised swimming pool border to help you do this?

The Border Choice - Bespoke Design Studio is here just for you.

How Does it Work?

You can design and create the artwork for your bespoke design yourself, then simply send it to us to manufacture and deliver to you.

Or you can work with one of our friendly designers to take your idea from concept right through to creation. So, don't worry if you can't draw or use professional design software yourself. We've got helpful, creative designers to do all that for you.

However you choose to work with us - you'll get all the benefits of a techincally superior swimming pool border - with the added bonus of your very own personal design.

What Does it Cost?

The best way to answer this is to discuss your idea.

Call us on 0044 749 116 4560 or +357 99012040 or email us at or use the Contact page on this website. We'd love to see pictures or sketches of what you have in mind.


Our guarantee of a high quality product applies to all Bespoke Design Studio swimming pool borders. Of course, they all are made with the same love, care and attention to detail.